Limonaia La Malora
Via della Libertà 2 25084 Gargnano, (BS)
+39 339 3699401
Getting there by public transport
Gargnano is connected to Brescia and other villages on Lake Garda by various bus lines of the Arriva company. For information, please visit the Arriva website
Gargnano can be reached by the ferries of the Gestione Navigazione Laghi company, which connect the villages on the shore of the lake.
For information, please visit:
The service can welcome passengers with reduced mobility.
For more information, please visit:
Parking area
In via della Libertà, about 30 meters from the entrance of the Limonaia, it is possible to park in a flat, concrete paved parking area. The pedestrian path is on the side of the road, with no sidewalk and on a busy road.
Information for visitors
The visit can take place autonomously or with a guided tour by the owner. In the first case, a brochure is provided (in Italian, English, German) which describes the various stages of the itinerary. For guided tours or educational activities (only in Italian), we suggest contacting the Limonaia in advance.
For more information, please visit:
The Limonaia develops on the slopes of a hill, with paths that are sometimes steep: due to its natural conformation it is not accessible to people in wheelchairs or with difficulty in medium-severe walking. The visit strongly stimulates the senses and can offer very interesting experiences for people with cognitive and sensory disabilities. People with disabilities are advised to contact the structure in advance, to expose their specific needs and evaluate the feasibility of the routes.
From via della Libertà, through a wide passageway, you go up a staircase of 12 steps, each of them with a long and sloping tread, paved in pebbles. Once passed a passageway, you enter the path of the Limonaia.
At the top of the entrance staircase, where the visit starts, you find the owner's house, which also acts as an InfoPoint, ticket office and tasting / selling space for the Limonaia products (liqueurs, syrups, jams, mustards, etc.).
Getting around
The itinerary includes 13 interesting stages that illustrate the ancient traditional method of cultivation of lemons and allow you to know this plant and its characteristics. The scents of flowers and fruits, the chance to touch them, the opportunity to taste the natural products of the Limonaia represent an intense and unique sensory experience. The cultivated terraces climb up the slopes of the hill: in various points the Limonaia has steep staircases with narrow and irregular steps, and dirt paths with an irregular surface.