Duomo di Salò
Piazza Duomo 1 25087 Salò, (BS)
0365 521700
Getting there by public transport
Salò is connected to Brescia and other villages on Lake Garda by various bus lines of the Arriva company. For information, please visit the Arriva website https://www.arriva.it/gardalake
For information on accessibility for passengers with reduced mobility, we suggest you contact Arriva in advance.
Salò can be reached by the ferries of the Gestione Navigazione Laghi company, which connects the villages on the shore of the lake. For information, please visit: http://www.navigazionelaghi.it/
The service can welcome passengers with reduced mobility. For more information, please visit: http://www.navigazionelaghi.it/assistenza-disabili.aspx
Parking area
The Cathedral is located in the old town, near the lakeside, in the ZTL area (limited traffic zone). Access by car to the old town of Salò is closed by electronically controlled road signs (Pilomat): disabled pass holders can contact the local police to request an authorization to transit in the ZTL area.
Once authorized, it is possible to reach Piazza del Duomo by car and stop only for the time necessary for the disabled person to get off/on (it is forbidden to park in the square). At about 300 meters from the church, on Lungolago Zanardelli at the corner with Piazza del Carmine, there is 1 parking space reserved for disabled pass holders; it is also possible to park on the blue strips (disabled pass holders can park for free); car parks are located on a sloping road.
At other points along the Lungolago Zanardelli, you can find flat parking spaces, but to reach the Duomo you must walk along sloping stretches.
The main entrance has 3 steps (15 cm high each), which can be overcome by an inclined ramp on the right side of the façade (6 meters long, slope of 8%, handrail on the right side). Then you must overcome a double leaf door (total width: 130 cm) and a hinged door (100 cm wide).
Getting around
The majestic building is in late Gothic style. On the unfinished facade stands the large portal made in the early 1500s. Inside the Cathedral there are valuable paintings by Romanino, Moretto, Zenone Veronese, Paolo Veneziano and frescoes by Antonio Vassilacchi also called "Aliense".
The building has a central nave and two side aisles, which can be visited without obstacles; it has benches with kneelers (seat height: 50 cm). On the two side aisles there are chapels, some preceded by a step, others by two steps (15 cm high each). To access the altar, you need to overcome 5 steps (15 cm high each).