Collegiata di San Lorenzo

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Getting there by public transport :
The Collegiata di San Lorenzo is located about 400 m from the railway station (Chiavenna - Colico railway line).
For assistance to travellers with reduced mobility, please visit: 

For information on local public transport in Chiavenna:

Parking place:
It is possible to park in the nearby market square, where there are also two parking spaces reserved for disabled pass holders. From the municipal water distributor, located in the square, you can reach the Collegiata di San Lorenzo and the Museo del Tesoro, by walking about 30 meters along a flat path with a compact surface.

Alternatively, you can park in Piazza IV Novembre and reach the Collegiata by walking along Via Pitti for about 20 meters and passing a ramp (length: 190 cm, slope of 6%) and a passageway (200 cm wide).

The church is preceded by a portico with slender soapstone columns, and below there are 3 double leaf doors placed side by side (door threshold: 2 cm): the central door (97 cm wide each), and the side doors (73 cm wide each).

Getting around
The Collegiata di San Lorenzo is the most important church in town. The religious complex consists of a high bell tower, a quadrangular portico built in 1698-99 and the new baptistery that has replaced the Romanesque one, demolished in 1699 to complete the portico. 

The church has three naves with frescoed vaults.
The central nave and the side aisles can be visited without barriers; benches (seat: 54 cm height) have kneelers.

On the side aisles there are some chapels that can be visited by overcoming a step (18 cm height). To the left of the main altar there is the chapel of Santa Marta, which can be visited by overcoming a step (10 cm height) and two consecutive doors: the first one is a double leaf door (83 cm wide each) and the second one  is a single leaf door (75 cm wide); the chapel has benches with kneelers.
To visit the altar and the choir it is necessary to go through 3 consecutive steps (14 cm height each).
You can visit the Baptistery, where the beautiful Romanesque baptismal font built in 1156 is located, by overcoming a double leaf door (64 cm wide each) placed on the left side of the entrance. The inner space is free of barriers.

For more information on the baptismal font, please visit: .

Orientation signage:
Directional arrows with large and high-contrast lettering (at least 7 cm).