Accademia Carrara

Icona della categoria Musei Musei

Piazza Giacomo Carrara, 82 24121 Bergamo, (BG)

+39 035 234396

How to get there by public transport
The Carrara Academy can be reached using the public transport lines of ATB and SAB. There is a stop for lines 6, 7, 9, B, C, B00A, and B10A, 300 meters from the museum. The path from the stop to the entrance is barrier-free.
For information on accessibility: ATB 

Parking is available 400 meters away along Via Pitentino on the blue stripes, where there are also three parking spaces reserved for holders of a CUDE disabled pass. On Via San Tomaso, about 200 meters from the museum entrance, there are two spaces reserved for holders of a CUDE disabled pass.
For information on the road layout and parking in Bergamo:
Bergamo Mobilità  (only in italian language)

Visitor Information
People with disabilities are entitled to a reduced ticket price and free admission for their companion.
For information:
Two manual wheelchairs are available for visitors.
The Carrara Academy offers "Tablet Touch" audio guides (in Italian, French, English, and Spanish), with videos projected that include narration and LIS interpretation, but without subtitles.
Guided tours and educational activities accessible to people with cognitive disabilities are offered.

The square in front of the Carrara Academy building has a cobblestone pavement with a paved path. The academy courtyard is accessed through three side-by-side gates; it is recommended to use the left gate, which is step-free. Following an inclined ramp (7 m long, 5% incline), you reach the entrance with a swing door (90 cm wide) and a doorbell (70 cm from the ground). Alternatively, you can access the building by ascending three consecutive steps (15 cm high) and a swing door (100 cm wide).

In the lobby, you will find:

  • Ticket office (counter height of 80 cm)
  • Bookshop (counter height of 80 cm)
  • Cloakroom with lockers labeled in Braille
  • Automatic beverage dispensers

There are two elevators that connect all the floors of the building (0, 1, and 2). The first is located after the bookshop and has the following features:

  • Door width of 89 cm, cabin interior dimensions of 109x215 cm
  • Internal control panel in Braille and relief (height 115 cm)
  • Audible and visual signal upon floor arrival
  • Emergency bell (height 100 cm).

The second elevator is located after the cloakroom and has the following features:

  • Door width of 90 cm, cabin interior dimensions of 130x91 cm
  • Internal control panel in Braille and relief (height 109 cm)
  • Audible and visual signal upon floor arrival
  • Emergency bell (height 97 cm).

Exhibition Route
The exhibition rooms are free of mobility barriers.
On the ground floor, after the bookshop, there is the video room (entrance width 107 cm), where films with audio commentary and English subtitles are projected; it is furnished with four sofas (height 47 cm). Also on the ground floor, after the cloakroom, there is the Projects and Educational Services room used for educational activities. The room is accessed by passing through two consecutive double swing doors (55 cm each).
The exhibition route extends through 28 rooms across two floors, showcasing almost 600 works including sculptures and paintings. The first floor (13 rooms) houses the "1400, the Renaissance" section; the entrance has a double swing door (74 cm each), and there are some seats in the rooms (height 42 cm); an inclined ramp (62 cm long, 6% incline) and a passageway (96 cm) connect room 4 to room 5. The second floor (15 rooms) houses the "1500-1800, the Modern Age and the Nineteenth Century" section. The entrance has a double swing door (52 cm each); there are some seats in the rooms (height 42 cm). To reach room 24, which houses the statue of Andromeda, you must climb five consecutive steps (15 cm high) and pass through a 110 cm wide passageway.

The facility has three restrooms, two of which are equipped for people with disabilities. The first is located on the ground floor, after the cloakroom, and has the following features:

  • Anteroom with swing door (width 88 cm)
  • Bathroom with swing door (width 90 cm)
  • Suspended sink (height 84 cm, front space 138 cm)
  • Suspended toilet (height 52 cm, front space 140 cm, right side space 50 cm, left side space 110 cm, horizontal handle on the left side and handrail around the entire perimeter)
  • Well-contrasted restroom symbols at eye level, medium-large in size.

The second restroom equipped for people with disabilities is located on the second floor. It is accessible through a swing door (width 77 cm) that leads to the anteroom and has the following features:

  • Anteroom with swing door (width 80 cm)
  • Bathroom with swing door (width 90 cm)
  • Suspended sink (height 83 cm, front space 116 cm)
  • Suspended toilet (height 48 cm, front space 147 cm, right side space 110 cm, left side space 35 cm, horizontal handle on the right side and handrail around the entire perimeter)
  • Well-contrasted restroom symbols at eye level, medium-large in size.

Emergency Exits (if indicated)
The emergency routes are marked. The alarm device is visual and acoustic. Additionally, fire alarm systems with visual and acoustic signals are installed.