Santuario della Beata Vergine

Icona della categoria Chiese Chiese

Strada Statale 36 23020 Chiavenna, (SO)

+ 39 0343 32193

Getting there by public transport:
Gallivaggio is served by STPS bus line. For information, please visit (Chiavenna - Madesimo bus line)

Parking place:
The Santuario dell’Apparizione di Maria Vergine of Gallivaggio is located along the Spluga road n. 36, at about 800 m. above sea level. It is possible to park along the Spluga road, in front of the "Al Santuario" restaurant. From the parking spaces in front of the restaurant, you reach the churchyard, walking along a path of stone and cobblestone for about 50 meters and overcoming 27 non-consecutive steps (15 cm height each).
People with motor disabilities can access the churchyard by driving for 150 meters along the closed road on the right side of the  hairpin bend; to open the bar use the intercom placed to the right side of the bar (126 cm from the ground).

From the churchyard you can access the church by passing in succession: a ramp (length 150 cm, slope of 6%), a step (19 cm height), a double leaf door (99 cm wide each) and a single leaf door (90 cm wide). To overcome the step, a mobile ramp (length 103 cm, slope of 5%) is available on request.

Information for visitors  
The sanctuary is open every day from 8.00 to 18.30.


In the churchyard of the sanctuary there are "QR code" signs: scanned with a smartphone, they allow you to open a link containing historical-cultural information on the sanctuary (in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish).
Adjacent to the bell tower, there is a bookshop whose entrance has 1 step (9 cm height), a single leaf door (70 cm wide) and a counter (105 cm height).

Getting around
The central nave and the side aisles can be visited without barriers; the church has benches with kneelers (45 cm height).
To access the altar, you need to overcome 4 steps (17 cm each).
You can visit the two chapels facing the side naves by overcoming 4 consecutive steps (17 cm each).

The bell tower
The bell tower, 52 meters height, is the highest of Valchiavenna and dates back to 1731. It cannot be visited.

Orientation signage:  
In the building there are directional arrows with high contrast and large lettering (at least 7 cm).

Toilet facilities
Toilets are located to the right side of the bookshop and have the following characteristics:

  • entrance with 3 consecutive steps (19 cm each)
  • vestibule with single leaf door (73 cm wide)
  • wall-mounted washbasin (clear floor area in front 128 cm)
  • bathroom with single leaf door (73 cm wide)
  • squat toilet
  • well-contrasted toilet symbols, at eye level, of medium to large size.
  • The toilet, equipped for people with disabilities, has the following characteristics:
  • bathroom with single leaf door (100 cm wide)
  • wall-mounted washbasin (clear space in front 121 cm)
  • wall-mounted toilet bowl (clear space in front: 200 cm, to the right side 196 cm, to the left side 30 cm, handrail along the perimeter of the toilet and changing table on the left side)
  • well-contrasted toilet symbols, at eye level, of medium to large size.

Picnic area
On the churchyard there is a large picnic area. 2 rectangular stone tables (clear floor area below 74 cm) and 4 stone benches (seat: 47 cm height) are available.