Rocca Borromea di Angera
Getting there by public transport
Angera is served by bus lines N20 (Varese / Angera / SestoCalende) and N21 (Varese / Travedona / Osmate).
For more information, please visit the CTPI website:
Angera can also be reached by ferry (Gestione Navigazione Laghi company).
For information, please visit:
The service can welcome passengers with reduced mobility. For more information, please visit:
Parking area
It is possible to park in the large parking area in front of the Rocca.
People with motor disabilities can request (tel +39 0331 931300) to park in the inner courtyard near the cafeteria.
Information for visitors
For groups and for educational activities booking is advisable.
For more information, please contact: tel. +39 0331 931300; or e-mail:
For school groups it is possible to book the indoor spaces at the Caffetteria della Rocca for packed lunch: tel. +39 0323.933478.
The pedestrian entrance, with a double leaf gate (152 cm wide each) is located to the left of the ticket office.
To reach the upper court, you need to follow a path for about 50 meters on a slope with cobblestone.
The "Rocca di Angera" consists of five areas, built between the eleventh and seventeenth centuries: the Torre Castellana, the Ala Scaligera, the Ala Viscontea, the Torre di Giovanni Visconti, the Ala dei Borromeo, the medieval garden.
At the entrance to the Rocca you can find:
- an Info-point (counter height: 108 cm)
- the ticket office (counter height: 108 cm)
The museum staff is at your disposal for information and tourist reception services.
La Rocca Borromeo has an elevator, located in the Ala Scaligera, which connects all floors (0,1,2) and has the following features:
- door width: 80 cm; space inside cabin: 82x130 cm
- elevator level buttons embossed panel (101 cm high above the floor)
- emergency bell (115 cm high above the floor).
Exhibition itinerary
The Ala Scaligera
The Ala Scaligera is a building that rises along the northern side of the Castle, between the walls and the remains of the oldest tower, and it dates back to the first half of the thirteenth century.
The entrance is located inside the upper courtyard. To reach the Ala Scaligera, you must pass a step (4 cm high) and a hinged door (103 cm wide).
The spaces in the Ala Scaligera are used for temporary exhibitions.
The Museum of Dolls and Toys
The Museum of Dolls and Toys, one of the most important in Europe, is located on the left side of the Ala Scaligera, in the upper courtyard.
To access the museum, you need to go through 5 steps (20 cm high each) and a double leaf door (100 cm wide each).
You can reach the museum using an internal path from the Ala Scaligera; along the path there are some steps (13 cm high each).
The exhibition develops on the ground floor and on the first floor through twelve rooms located in the Ala dei Borromeo and in the Oratory. The exhibition follows a historical and geographical criterion, illustrating the transformation of toys from 1700 to the present days; more than a thousand dolls are exhibited with accessories, clothes and miniature furniture.
On the first floor there is the collection of the "Petit Musée du Costume de Tours", a collection of the nineteenth century French and German automata; it can be reached by lift from the Ala Scaligera or by a staircase of 27 steps (18 cm high each) and a hinged door (72 cm wide). Along the itinerary there are many showcases (minimum height: 16 cm and maximum height: 82 cm).
"Dolls from the World" section
This section is located in the upper courtyard, in the "stables", on the opposite side of the Ala Scaligera.
The entrance has a sloping ramp (length: 170 cm, slope of 3%) and a double leaf door (70 cm wide each).
The exhibition space is in a single room, dedicated to dolls and toys from non-European countries in showcases (82 cm from the ground).
Ala Borromeo
On the left side of the entrance of the Museum of Dolls, through two flights of stairs of 40 steps in total (14 cm high each), a step (7 cm high) and a double leaf door (60 cm wide each) you reach the first floor where you can visit the historic rooms of the Rocca: the "Sala del Buon Romano", the "Sala della Mitologia" (majolica collection), a room with significant fragments of Lombard paintings of profane subject, the "Sala dei Fasti" furnished with large paintings, portraits and antique furniture and the "Sala della Giustizia" with frescoes of ancient times.
For more information, please visit:
Torre Castellana
The Tower can only be reached via a path with steps.
From the "Sala della Giustizia" through three flights of stairs of 31 steps each (18 cm high each), a hinged door and then 16 steps (18 cm high each) you reach the terrace of the tower.
Medieval Garden
The garden can be reached from the cafeteria through a door with three leaves (90 cm each). Rare plants and tree species can be admired (some of them have descriptive panels with information on plants) The garden has a compact surface made of gravel; along the path there are isolated steps and depressions in the ground.
For more information, please visit:
Orientation signage
In the building there are directional arrows with high contrast and large lettering (at least 7 cm).
Toilet facilities
There are two toilets equipped for people with disabilities.
The first equipped toilet is on the 2nd floor of the Ala Scaligera and has the following features:
- bathroom with hinged door (80 cm wide)
- wall-hung washbasin (clear space in front: 148 cm)
- floor-standing toilet (clear space: in front: 145 cm, on the right side 138 cm, on the left side 25 cm, horizontal handlebar on the right side and vertical handlebar on left-hand side, hand shower on left-hand side)
- high contrast symbols indicating toilet facilities, positioned at eye level, using medium to large size letters.
The second toilet is in the courtyard on the right side facing the Ala Scaligera.
The toilet has an entrance with a ramp (length: 60 cm, slope of 15%) and has the following characteristics:
- vestibule with hinged door (90 cm wide)
- wall-mounted washbasin (clear space in front: 85 cm)
- toilet with hinged door (80 cm wide)
- wall-mounted washbasin (clear space in front: 90 cm)
- suspended toilet (clear space: in front: 260 cm, on the right side 46 cm, on the left side 49 cm, handrail on both sides)
- high contrast symbols indicating toilet facilities, positioned at eye level, using medium to large size letters.
Cafeteria and Bookshop
The cafeteria and bookshop are located in the lower courtyard.
They can be accessed through a door with three leaves (90 cm wide each)
The bookshop is on the right side of the large room (counter height: 90 cm) while on the left side there is the coffee shop (counter height: 100 cm).
Outside, in the Lower Courtyard on the left side before the entrance, there is a covered terrace with chairs and tables with four legs (clear space below: 72 cm).
Emergency Exits
Emergency routes are well indicated. The building has an acoustic alarm device.