Oratorio di Santo Stefano
Getting there by public transport
Lentate sul Seveso can be reached by bus lines: Seveso-Copreno, Milano-Cantù and Meda-Saronno.
For information, please visit: http://monzabrianza.autoguidovie.it/
Lentate sul Seveso can also be reached by train (S11 Chiasso - Como - Milan - Rho line and S4 Camnago Lentate - Cadorna line)
For information on the accessibility of the station, please visit this web site
Parking area
In Piazza San Vito there are some parking spaces, one of which is reserved for disabled pass holders.
Information for visitors
Guided tours for groups can be organized. For more information, please contact the following email address: prenota@amiciarte.it
Outside there is a panel (150 cm high above the floor) with information in Italian and English.
The entrance has 12 consecutive steps (12 cm high each), a further step (17 cm high) and a double leaf door (77 cm wide each).
The ticket office (counter height: 75 cm) is located after the entrance on the right-hand side.
Volunteers are at your disposal for information and suggestions.
Getting around
The Oratorio di Santo Stefano is a noble chapel built in 1369 at the behest of Count Stefano Porro; it has an interesting cycle of frescoes on the legend of Santo Stefano (43 panels that can be read starting from the left to the right, giving your back to the altar). "The Crucifixion" by Anovelo da Imbonate and the "Donation of the chapel to Santo Stefano" on the right of the apse are also of considerable interest. The oratory is a single nave church with a raised presbytery and a triumphal arch between the two areas.
The altar is preceded by 2 steps (16 cm high each); there are chairs (seat height: 45 cm).