Mulino di Bottonera

Icona della categoria Musei Musei

Parking area
It is possible to park on the blue stripe parking spaces in the nearby Piazza Castello, where there is also a parking space reserved for disabled pass holders.

Information for visitors
Opening hours: in winter visits are only by reservation; in  summer visits are only during weekends; in August daily visits. Free admission for people with disabilities and reduced tickets for their helper.  Audio guides are available in Italian and English. Guided tours  (in Italian and English) and educational activities are organized. 

To reserve a guided tour, please contact:
Consorzio Turistico Valchiavenna   
phone. + 39 0343 37485

The entrance has 3 consecutive steps (17 cm height each), followed by 1 step (11 cm height) and a double door (52 cm wide each). 

After 3 consecutive steps (14 cm each) you reach the mezzanine floor, where you can find:

  • the infopoint (counter 100 cm height),
  • the ticket office (100 cm height).


Exhibition itinerary
The Mulino Moro is an interesting example of industrial archeology. Located in the craftsman district of Bottonera, in the upper part of Chiavenna, it was built in the nineteenth century between the river Mera and Piazza Castello.

The three floors (0, 1, 2) which can be visited, can only be accessed by stairs. From the mezzanine floor (0) you reach the first floor by a staircase of 17 steps (20 cm each); from the first floor you reach the second floor by a staircase of 19 steps (20 cm each).

On the mezzanine floor there are six rolling mills (millstones), dating back to the years 1890 - 1930; on the first floor there is a purifier machine (flours) and on the second floor there are filters, purifier machines  and sieving machines. All rooms have description panels in Italian (120 cm height).

Orientation signage
Directional arrows with large and high-contrast lettering (at least 7 cm).

Toilet facilities
Just after the entrance of the Mill, there is a toilet with the following characteristics:

Toilet with manual hinged door (65 cm wide) wall-mounted washbasin (clear space in front: 64 cm) toilet bowl (clear floor space 64 cm, right side 33 cm, left side 38 cm) high contrast symbols indicating toilet facilities, positioned at eye level, using medium to large size letters.