The Castle of Brescia

Icona della categoria Musei Musei

Via del Castello, 9 25122 Brescia, (BS)

+39 030 2977 834

How to Arrive by Public Transport
By Bus: In Via Mazzini, about 2 km from the structure, there is a stop for line 11.
For travel information for passengers with reduced mobility Brescia Mobilità
By Metro:The San Faustino station is located 2 km away.

You can park in the large parking lot located about 200 meters from the castle entrance, which has parking spaces reserved for holders of disabled parking permits (CUDE). The path to the castle is slightly uphill with mainly asphalt and cobblestone surfaces.

You reach the Lion's Gate, which leads to the castle by crossing a bridge with cobblestone paving and two paved paths (each 50 cm wide).

Visitor Information
Entry to the castle's external area is free. To visit the Fortress, the Luigi Marzoli Arms Museum, and the Leonessa d'Italia Museum of the Risorgimento, you must purchase a ticket. Visual signs along the way help you navigate. You can book a guided tour that also includes the Museum of Santa Giulia; for information contact:

The castle, one of the largest in Europe, houses evidence of various historical periods: Visconti, Venetian, Austrian, and modern. The path along the walls is paved with cobblestones and two paved lanes (each 50 cm wide). To visit many points of interest, you need to climb flights of stairs.
The main points of interest are:

  • Drawbridge  : Accessible by walking along the walls; it is made of wood. From here, you can see the Mirabella tower.
  • Prisoners' Tower and Rescue Tower  : Accessible by walking through stone tunnels and numerous steps.
  • Visconti Mast  : 40 steps, each 6 cm high.
  • Coltrina Tower, French Tower  : Accessible by walking along the walls.

There are no restrooms within the Brescia castle area. About 200 meters from the castle, there is a paid restroom with the following features:

  • Wall-mounted coin insertion kiosk (height 140 cm).
  • Automatic door (width 64 cm).
  • Sink at a height of 90 cm.
  • Floor-standing toilet (height 45 cm, 55 cm front space, 17 cm left side space, 50 cm right side space, handrails on the left and front at a height of 95 cm). Space for wheelchair maneuvering is very limited.

In the square in front of the castle entrance, there is a kiosk offering bar service with square outdoor tables (72 cm clearance underneath). Inside, there is only counter service; entrance is via a small inclined ramp (4% slope).